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By Mark Schwartz
In a world that is increasingly going digital, the days of snail-mail invoicing, trips to the printer for marketing material, and of paper in general are quickly falling behind us. It’s becoming very common for businesses to use electronic documents instead of paper, and even for those who do still use paper in their business, most now have digital versions of those same documents.
The move to digital invoices and marketing material saves time, money on paper, and overall it’s better for our planet (which is important in our green-aware society). Along with those benefits though there are other things that can be gained from a paperless world. Those benefits can be realized with a simple file tracking system.
If you haven’t guess it yet, in this article we will look at file tracking. We will cover what it is, what it can do for your business, and how you can realize the benefits of a simple file tracking system.
What is File Tracking?
A file tracking system does exactly what the term suggests – it tracks your files. It provides an easy way for you to see who has used a file, how they have used that file, what was printed and more. In other words a file tracking system attaches code to a document that allows you to collect document usage statistics.
As it applies to your business file tracking can be applied to: invoices, contracts, marketing materials, spreadsheets and presentations that you use in the office or any other type of electronic file that use.
The Benefits or File Tracking
With an idea of what file tracking is, let’s talk about what can be gained from it. By simply knowing how your documents are being used you can realize a number of benefits.
Improve your marketing materials: File tracking provides is a way to improve your marketing materials. Of those three electronic brochures you sent out last month, which one brought the most business? In some cases the answer to that question can be difficult to gauge. With a file tracking system in place though, you can see how your clients used each document, which document got read and printed the most, and in turn you can use that information to improve the document itself.
Protect confidential information: Another benefit of using a file tracking system is simply to protect your information. What happens to the confidential files you send each month? Without tracking your files you’d never know. On the other hand by applying file tracking you are immediately aware, if your employees are sharing confidential information with your competitors or if that contract you sent to your lawyer was read by someone else.
Increase productivity: Many businesses use tools like spreadsheets, presentations, written documents, and more as the basis for their workload itself. If you track those documents you enable yourself to see who your most productive employees are. In the case of a spreadsheet full of sales contacts, for example, which of your workers opened the document the longest and actually made the calls?
Track and learn about your clients: File tracking can also be used to learn more about your clients. Do the invoices you send out each day get opened and read, or do the majority of your customers wait for the statement you send out at month-end? Do some of your customers share the files you send to them (be it files you want them to share or not)? By tracking your files you can clearly see how your clients work with the material you send them, and in turn learn more about the clients themselves.
File Tracking for Your Business
For businesses that have made the move to go paperless, file tracking will help you take your efforts in many areas to the next level. All that is required to get started is a system that will allow you to track your files (such as our own file tracking system http://www.doctracking.com).
A good tracking system will allow you to invisibly track all of the digital documents that you work with each month. Once implemented in your business, you can begin to take advantage of yet another benefit of going paperless in our increasingly-digital society.
About the Author: This was written by Mark Schwarts, the public relations manager, for DocTracking.com; the simplest
file tracking
system on web.
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